Celebrate Traditions

Six years ago I thought I was pregnant. I was nauseous, I had put on weight and wasn't following any birth control regime. However, the doctors assured me I wasn't. The only tiny seed I had developing in my body was in my brain. I had a pitutary adenoma. A benign tumour that wouldn't kill me, but could strike me blind overnight.
From that day on, my life turned into a series of intervals between medications, and hours spent in doctor waiting-rooms. This went on for three years. Finally the doctor won. The Endocrinologist, I mean. I could now move on to the Gynaecologist. One laproscopy, an IUI and three IVF's later, I was done with the whole  baby issue. My body was broken and so was my spirit. My faith was pretty shaky too.
 It was time to 'let go' and let the healing begin. Without the Doctors.
 Music, exercise and a fabulous holiday in Spain. Ten months later I had another seed growing inside me... We called it Adam.
It seems life hadn't given up on me...
I breezed through my pregnancy! I could eat anything! I did Yoga and even took a belly dancing class! Adam was a most resilient foetus! His only objection was to my sleeping. If I lay down, he'd kick me hard.
He was born at 3:17pm on 23rd January 2009. And from that day forward my heart has been walking outside my body...
We baptised him a month later.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely page, Michelle. I like the way you turned it into a multi-picture layout.
